Friday, April 04, 2008

Becca and I spent $796.06 on gasoline in the month of March 2008.


Joel said...

is that all personal gas usage, or does that take into account mileage/gas reimbursement from your places of employment?

Scott Pearce said...

That is just the total cost of gasoline we purchased in the month. I do receive a reimbursment check from work for miles driven to job sites. Becca receives no such check from the hospital.

Elizabeth said...

That's...amazing. I never thought I would appreciate our gas prices, but apparently we are blessed with only moderate price-gouging. Unless Scott drives to Ohio for work every day?

Unknown said...

since I bought our house and am facing mortgage payments, I decided to cut gas out of my daily commute and bike. The initial expenditure on a cheap walmart road bike was about 150 bucks. Around 50 to get it tuned and new tubes and a few upgrades (the bike literally was unrideable from the factory - when the front wheel spun, it looked like a sine wave).

So 200 bucks spent (and I expect another expenditure in the future for a foot pump, spare tube, tire levers and a helmet over the next few weeks - so probably 250 all told).

But since I burn at least 8 bucks a day in gas (at least..more now that there is construction), I figure if I ride 30 times, I've made up that money. I've ridden 11 times so far, so by the end of June I should have made back my investment, and after that, I'm actually saving money.

I also heard that there are some health benefits of biking 24 miles a day, but so far I've only noticed an increase of sweat and heavy breathing...

Scott Pearce said...

My buddy in Richmond has also started biking to work, for health and monetary reasons. I wish my office was even half as close, which would still make for a 30-mile round trip.

Unknown said...

okay - new update to the bike thing. I found a downside to riding a bike to work: other vehicles. I got nailed by an SUV riding home from work last week. She was talking on her cell phone, making a right turn....right into me. It was unpleasant. No serious damage to me or the bike (thankfully!), just some gross road rash, a ruined shirt, and bruises and stiffness all over.

I bought a helmet the next much for waiting on a deal from one of the companies I work with...I ended up *shudder* buying it off the shelf!

The most amusing part of this was just 20 minutes before getting clobbered by the SUV, I was riding past one of my customers (I sell outdoor gear to retailers) who was launching some kayakas into the river. I stopped and talked to them and they chided me for not wearing a helmet. I said: "Kevin, I've been in your store - I've seen how much helmets cost! My life is not worth 40 dollars"

I ate major crow when I walked in his store the next day with bandages all over and bought a helmet....